Irreligious Millennials

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows the strongest support yet for gay marriage – 58 percent in favor. Ten years ago, around 60 percent of Americans were opposed to gay marriage; today, that’s completely flipped. Just a week ago, Pope Francis expressed being open to civil unions. When even the Pope is saying, “We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!,” safe to say it’s game/set/match.

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Porn Again Christians

Here’s something really cool about self-reported statistics: Religion doesn’t make you any more likely to be addicted to porn than a sane person, but it makes you a lot more likely to describe yourself as addicted to porn. Stay with me on this. Most psychiatrists don’t think porn addiction counts as a disease, but researchers at Case Western University think that thinking you’re addicted to porn can cause psychological distress, depression, compulsive behavior and anxiety – what Catholics call “good healthy guilt.”

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Thank You, Tea Party

By Bill Maher

There’s a message I need to send loud and clear to the knuckle draggers who make up America’s Tea Party: thank you!

For years, Obama served them Social Security up on a platter with “Chained CPI,” which would have seriously reduced benefits for a lot of seniors who really need them. The Tea Party could have split the Democratic Party in two over this. All they needed to do was say, “yes.” But thank heavens, they’re immovable, unrealistic, uncompromising assholes. In Obama’s latest budget proposal, Chained CPI is now off the table. Now all the momentum is with progressives like Elizabeth Warren who want to expand Social Security.

With enemies like this, who needs friends?

Republicans Are the Nation’s Biggest Starf**kers

A lot of fuss was made over the Republican candidate for governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, singing the praises of Ted Nugent and campaigning with him. That caused the professional apology industry to go into high gear. "We will not talk about anything else until Ted Nugent apologizes for calling Obama a 'subhuman mongrel!'" And we didn't. Ted Nugent was acting like Ted Nugent and we wouldn't move on until Ted Nugent momentarily pretended he wasn't Ted Nugent. Thank god that's over, and Ted is now campaigning for Gabby Giffords and performing with Ladysmith Black Mambazo

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Gwyneth Paltrow Is Not the Problem

I'm not a huge fan of food corporations. However, one of the fast food corporations that didn't bother me much was Subway because, while I wouldn't eat much of what they make, they do have some options that are much healthier when compared to your normal fast food chain. You can eat Subway and not feel like you're five minutes away from thinking, "Oh, God. What have I done?"

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Farm Offensive

President Obama recently took some under-reported unilateral action because Congress would not: He established regional "climate hubs" around the country as a resource to help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities adapt to the effects of climate change. The idea is to help rural people come up with real, workable solutions for all that's breaking loose in their world - increased risk of fire, invasive pests, floods, and droughts.

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Nun the Wiser

Ladies and gentlemen, we got her. Sister Megan Rice, an 84-year-old nun who spent 40 years teaching science as a missionary in Africa and has since dedicated her life to world peace, is finally behind bars – where she belongs! Sister Megan was just sentenced to three years in federal prison because in 2012 she and two other peace activists broke into a federal facility in Tennessee known as “the Fort Knox of uranium” to protest nuclear weapons and to expose how vulnerable the facility was to attack.

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Famous in a Small Town

Benjamin Smith, 44, of Pittsford, New York was living the American Dream, sitting in his car with a rifle and a machete, when he was arrested by the Secret Service. According to Reuters, he had been ratted out by his own mother, who found a note in his room that said: "I'm going to work for George W. Bush and the Pentagon. I have to slay a dragon and then Barbara Bush is mine." (We're pretty sure he meant the daughter, not the grandma.) After his arrest, when questioned about his marital status, Smith said he was "working on a relationship with Barbara Bush." So you have to admire him for that. In this crazy, hook-up world, how many men are willing to work on a relationship? 

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Smack Down

When Philip Seymour Hoffman died, it reignited an age-old debate: whether addicts are sick people who need to get well or bad people who need to be locked up. People who see addiction as a disease that renders its sufferers incapable of moderation tend to favor treatment and recovery. And people who see addiction as a crime committed by selfish narcissists tend to favor jail time.

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Pistol Pique

A state legislature can't just up and decide that gun violence is a plague and ready access to guns does more harm than good, so they're going to ban sales of certain types of guns - say the semi-automatic kind - within their borders. They can't because the Constitution says something about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." Which, if I'm if reading our founders' original intent correctly, means we get to take a machine gun to the movies.

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