Submit Your Overtime Questions for March 13, 2020

Bill and his roundtable guests - David Ropeik, Tim Miller, Lis Smith, Edward Luce & Andrew Zimmern - will answer viewer questions after Friday's show.

Submit your questions in the comments section below. Selected questions will be answered on the Real Time Youtube Channel immediately following the premiere. Please be aware that concise (50 words or less) single-topic questions have the best chance of being selected, so the shorter and more specific you can be, the better.

Guest List: March 13, 2020 

The Interviews:

David Ropeik is a former Harvard instructor of Risk Communication and Risk Psychology. He’s the author of, “How Risky Is It, Really?”

Twitter: @dropeik

Andrew Zimmern is a four-time James Beard Award-winning chef who hosts MSNBC’s new series, “What’s Eating America,” airing Sundays at 9 p.m.

Twitter: @andrewzimmern

The Panel:

Edward Luce is U.S. National Editor for The Financial Times. He recently wrote about Joe Biden’s campaign against President Trump in the age of the coronavirus.

Twitter: @EdwardGLuce

Lis Smith is a Democratic strategist and former Senior Advisor to Mayor Pete Buttigieg during his 2020 presidential campaign.

Twitter: @Lis_Smith

Tim Miller is a contributor to The Bulwark and a former spokesman for the Republican National Committee.

Twitter: @Timodc

Submit a question for this week’s guests using #RTOvertime and watch them answer LIVE after the show on the Real Time YouTube channel.

Submit Your Overtime Questions for March 6, 2020

Bill and his roundtable guests - Brian Cox, Rachel Bitecofer, Caitlin Flanagan, Ross Douthat & Anthony Scaramucci - will answer viewer questions after Friday's show.

Submit your questions in the comments section below. Selected questions will be answered on the Real Time Youtube Channel immediately following the premiere. Please be aware that concise (50 words or less) single-topic questions have the best chance of being selected, so the shorter and more specific you can be, the better.

Guest List: March 6, 2020

The Interviews:

Rachel Bitecofer is an election forecaster and an analyst and Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center in Washington, D.C.

Twitter: @RachelBitecofer

Brian Cox is a Golden Globe-winning actor who stars in HBO's “Succession.”

The Panel:

Ross Douthat is a columnist for The New York Times and author of “The Decadent Society: How We Became the Victims of Our Own Success.”

Twitter: @DouthatNYT

Caitlin Flanagan is a Contributing Writer for The Atlantic, where she recently wrote about the arguments for and against abortion – and the consequences of making the procedure illegal.

Twitter: @CaitlinPacific

Anthony Scaramucci is a former White House Communications Director under President Trump and the Founder of SkyBridge Capital.

Twitter: @Scaramucci

Submit a question for this week’s guests using #RTOvertime and watch them answer LIVE after the show on the Real Time YouTube channel.