Guest List: August 25, 2017

The Interview:

Rev. Jesse Jackson is an American Civil Rights activist and founder of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

Twitter: @RevJJackson

The Panel:

Paul Begala is a Democratic strategist and CNN contributor. He served as Counselor to the President in the Clinton White House.

Twitter: @PaulBegala

Nayyera Haq is CEO of Avicenna Strategy. She was a White House Senior Director and State Depart Senior Advisor in the Obama Administration.

Twitter: @nayerroar

Matt Welch is the Editor-at-Large of Reason magazine and Co-Host of The Fifth Column podcast.

Twitter: @mattwelch

The Mid-Show Interview:

Frank Bruni is an author and columnist for the New York Times, where his latest article is, “The Week When President Trump Resigned.”

Twitter: @FrankBruni

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