Guest List: March 14, 2014
/Alan Weisman is the author of Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope For A Future On Earth? He is also a senior producer for Homelands Productions, a nonprofit journalism cooperative that creates radio features and documentaries.
Salman Rushdie is the Chairman of the PEN World Voices Literary Festival, whose tenth anniversary event begins April 28th in New York. Rushdie has written over a dozen books, the latest of which is Joseph Anton. He is the University Distinguished Professor at Emory University and is currently working on a new novel. Twitter: @SalmanRushdie
Amy Chua is the co-author of The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America, written with her husband Jed Rubenfeld. She is also the John M. Duff Professor at Yale Law School. Twitter: @AmyChua
Andrew Sullivan is the author of four books, as well as the Founding Editor of The Dish. A regular columnist for The Sunday Times of London, Sullivan’s latest piece warns of the deceptive nature of online “advertorials.” Twitter: @sullydish
Seth MacFarlane is Friday’s mid-show guest and the Executive Producer of Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey. Winner of two Emmy Awards, he has created television shows including Family Guy, The Cleveland Show and American Dad! His latest work is both a novel and a star-studded motion picture called A Million Ways to Die in the West. Twitter: @SethMacFarlane
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