Guest List: February 4, 2022

Guest List: February 4, 2022

The Interview:

Rep. Ro Khanna is the U.S. Congressman representing California's 17th district (Silicon Valley) and author of the new book, “Dignity in a Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us.”

Twitter: @RepRoKhanna @RoKhanna

The Panel:

Johann Hari is the author of “Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention — And How To Think Deeply Again.”

Twitter: @johannhari101

Katherine Mangu-Ward is the Editor-in-Chief of Reason Magazine and co-host of "The Reason Roundtable" podcast.

Twitter: @kmanguward


Tag your questions for this week’s guests with #RTOvertime and watch them answer after the show on the Real Time YouTube channel!