Guest List: June 3, 2022

Guest List: June 3, 2022

The Interview:

Eric Holder is the former US Attorney General who is now Chair of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee and co-author of Our Unfinished March: The Violent Past and Imperiled Future of the Vote - A History, A Crisis, A Plan.

Twitter: @EricHolder

The Panel:

Michael Shellenberger is a California gubernatorial candidate, co-founder of California Peace Coalition, and author of San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities.

Twitter: @ShellenbergerMD

Douglas Murray is a columnist for the New York Post and The Sun, and author of the New York Times bestselling book The War on the West: How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason.

Twitter: @DouglasKMurray

Tag your questions for this week’s guests with #RTOvertime and watch them answer after the show on the Real Time YouTube channel!