Those Who Can't

By Bill Maher

There's been a lot of talk about Steve Bannon in recent weeks, and the Breitbart empire, and it reminded me of something I know, and something some of my friends know, but is something that is rarely mentioned in the mainstream press. And it should be, because it's very informative. Here it is: the thing that Steve Bannon and Andrew Breitbart have in common is that they're both rejected Hollywood writers and filmmakers who didn't have the talent to cut it in the entertainment business, and that largely explains why they do what they do. Their psychology isn't that hard to understand. They wanted to be in the big movie game, to run in the Hollywood crowd, and they couldn't do it. So, they spent the rest of their lives hating Hollywood, Hollywood liberals, and liberals in general.

Trust me, if Andrew Breitbart had sold a screenplay to a TV show called Bringing Up Chunky, or if Steve Bannon could make a documentary that was worth a damn, they wouldn't be ranting and raving about liberals and their cocktail parties on the Westside. They'd be attending them. And, in Bannon's case, finishing the drinks people left on their table, even when they have a cigarette in them.