
If you're slightly smarter than a fighting fish, or you're not Facebook friends with Bristol Palin, it's pretty easy to understand what's going on with Republicans and immigration: their base won't let them debate any bill that doesn't involve death camps. Short of that, there's no possible move they can make that won't piss off the Tea Party. German chess players have a word for not wanting to move, even though it's your turn, because all possible moves are worse than doing nothing. The word is "zugzwang."  

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It's Valentine's Day, and I cannot go on any longer living a lie. MSNBC...we need to talk. 

Whatever we had is not working any more. You're obviously interested in another man: Chris Christie. You're obsessed with him. So I wanted you to hear it from me first. I'm going to start seeing other news organizations. I'll miss what we had. It was a rocket ship ride. We were both passionate flaming liberals and we didn't care what the world thought of us. It was a glorious time. We finished each other's Sarah Palin jokes. But now we never talk about any of the things we used to talk about: global warming, gun control, poverty... All because Chris Christie came along and put you under his spell. 

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They're Not All Bums

Suppose there was a single member of Congress who brought the tobacco industry to its knees, paved the way for less expensive generic drugs, expanded Medicaid to include all pregnant women and children, wrote the Clean Air Act, the Safe Water Drinking Act and much of Obamacare. Americans would know his name, right? No, 95% of people couldn't pick Henry Waxman out of a line-up. 

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How to Make a Scandal Die

Benghazi wasn't about ignoring too many threats and not providing enough security at our embassy. It was a White House cover-up where Obama's minions - or Obama himself! - ordered that the military stand down and let those people die, and then ordered that the talking points about Benghazi be changed to deny any involvement by Al Qaeda in an election year. Connect  the dots, people!

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Dim Sun

New Rule: You know your nation's got a smog problem when your number one morning TV show is the sunrise. In Beijing, China, the smog has gotten so bad that giant TV screens normally used for advertising have begun broadcasting sunrises, so the Chinese people can catch some virtual rays. Communist China's pollution is so bad it's visible from space. It looks like a giant spot on an X-ray. China is home to black rivers, dead lakes, and two types of groundwater: polluted and extra-crunchy super-chunk. Commuters have long been wearing surgical masks to work and now Chinese hotels have added fancy gas masks to the list of in-room guest amenities. 

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Killing Them Softly

Hey, remember the Bill of Rights? Sock hops? Hot rods? Flat tops? A warm hand job and a frosty malted at Pop’s? Those were the days. Remember when we used to debate whether the death penalty was “cruel and unusual punishment” – back before drones and torture? Well, there’s still one problem with the death penalty: We do it in public – unlike torture, natch – and it gives people the creeps when it goes wrong or takes a long time, like recently, when a guy who’d raped and stabbed a pregnant newlywed was executed in Ohio, and he took longer to die than Ariel Sharon.

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Our Scandal Is Better Than Your Scandal

So now we know how the Republicans will push back on the Chris Christie scandal (even if it’s half-heartedly because of that one time Christie hugged Obama and cost us the glorious, eight-year reign of Mitt Romney): by saying “Bridgegate” is not nearly as bad as Benghazi. Or the IRS scandal. Or, if you’re really deranged, the birth certificate, the New Black Panthers, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Pigford, anything Eric Holder ever did and that time Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch Act.

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America Loves Babies…Except the Ones That Eat

People think the biggest leap for Jesus Republicans is loving the Nazarene and napalm. This is a misunderstanding. There are plenty of perfectly sound theological reasons for an intellectual Christian to wage war. Ask Aquinas, or Augustine, or Bristol Palin. The real problem is worshipping motherhood as the sole reason for women to exist besides making nachos – while hating welfare. You can believe one or the other, but not both. Otherwise it’s like: We all agree everyone alive should be extruding offspring at all times / Hey, how the hell did all these kids get here?

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For the first time in American history, more than 50 percent of the members of Congress are millionaires. So John Boehner’s not the only one who’s loaded. Of course, rich people have always had a place at the table; the Founding Fathers were mostly wealthy landowners. Some of them even had enough money to buy and own other people – the ultimate status symbol. But of 534 current members, at least 268 are millionaires. According to the study by the Center for Responsive Politics, the median net worth of Democrats was a little higher than Republicans, $1.04 million versus $1 million. Maybe because they don’t regularly convert all their investments to survival seeds and gold. In the Senate, Republicans are much richer than Democrats, $2.9 million to $1.7 million.

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Al Gore Should Run for President

Here’s the latest report from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean, a large group of marine scientists:

[Ocean acidification] is unprecedented in the Earth’s known history. We are entering an unknown territory of marine ecosystem change, and exposing organisms to intolerable evolutionary pressure…The next mass extinction may have already begun.

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